Sunday, March 16, 2008

Practice Literary Terms

After reading the theory solve these tasks:
Match these definitions with the words below

1) The portion of a story following the climax, in which the conflict is resolved.

2) The time, place, and culture in which the action of a narrative takes place. Its elements may include geographic location, characters' physical and mental environments, prevailing cultural attitudes, or the historical time in which the action takes place.

3) Something that suggests or stands for something else without losing its original identity. In literature, they combine their literal meaning with the suggestion of an abstract concept. Examples are sunshine suggesting happiness, rain suggesting sorrow, and storm clouds suggesting despair.

4) The central character of a story who serves as a focus for its themes and incidents and as the principal rationale for its development. It is sometimes referred to in discussions of modern literature as the hero or anti-hero.

5) A comparison, usually using "like" or "as", of two essentially dissimilar things, as in "coffee as cold as ice" or "He sounded like a broken record."

6)The main point or controlling idea of a work of literature. The term is used interchangeably with thesis.

7) A secondary story in a narrative. It may serve as a motivating or complicating force for the main plot of the work, or it may provide emphasis for, or relief from, the main plot.

8) In literary criticism, this term refers to the plan, design, scheme or pattern of events in a play, poem or work of fiction; and, further, the organization of incident and character in such a way as to induce curiosity and suspense.

9)The decisive moment in a conflict. The moment of highest tension .

10) A figure of speech that gives human qualities to abstract ideas, animals, and inanimate objects.



Choose the correct term for each definition:

1-A Latin term meaning "in the middle of things." It refers to the technique of beginning a story at its midpoint and then using various flashback devices to reveal previous action
a) in the middle b) In medias res C) in media res

2-A narrative technique in which characters' thoughts are revealed in a way that appears to be uncontrolled by the author. It typically aims to reveal the inner self of a character. It portrays emotional experiences as they occur at both a conscious and unconscious level. Images are often used to represent sensations or emotions.
a)interior monologue b) internal monologue c)interior dialogue

3- In literary criticism, the effect of language in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated.
a-ironic b- irony c- parody

4- The teller of a story. It may be the author or a character in the story through whom the author speaks.
a-story-teller b- teller c- narrator

5-A long fictional narrative written in prose, which developed from the novella and other early forms of narrative. It is usually organized under a plot or theme with a focus on character development and action.
a-novel b- soap opera c- novella

6-The narrative perspective from which a literary work is presented to the reader. There are four types.
a- viewpoint b- view c- point of view

7- A device used in literature to present action that occurred before the beginning of the story.
a-foreshadowing b- flashback c-flashforward

8-An explicit comparison; it is introduced by “like” or “as” (eg: “as sweet as honey” / “as poor as a church mouse”)
a-metaphor b-anaphora c-simile

9- The repetition of consonants at the beginning of words or stressed syllables.
a-anaphora b-alliteration c-assonance

10- Types of characters depending on whether they change or not throughout the story.
a-round & flat b- static &developing c-protagonist & antagonist

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