Answer these questions while you read the novel:
Guide Questions for the Study of Literary Works
1. Does it have a well-defined beginning, middle and end?
2. What is the nature of the conflict? (physical, moral, emotional?)
3, What is the climax?
4. Are there any flashbacks?
5. Is any event foreshadowing another one?
6. Is there any suspense?
7. Does the story have a surprise ending?
1. Are the physical traits of the characters significant?
2. Is the method of characterization expository or dramatic?
3. Are the characters round or flat?
4. Are the characters static or developing?
5. What functions do the characters perform? (protagonist, antagonist, foil, confidant)
6. What are the motivations of the characters? (eg: love, money, hate, etc.)
1. What is the setting in time and in place?
2. Does the write play with chronology?
1. Through whose eyes is the situation seen?
2. Is the narrator omniscient or is the point of view limited (third person narrator or first person narrator)?
1. What is the tone of the work? (writer`s attitude towards his subject) (highly serious, ironic, cynical, melancholy, sentimental, hostile, comic, etc)
1. What is the theme ?
2. Are there any other themes present in the story?
1. Does the writer use any literary devices?
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