Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Activities Animal Farm chapters 1 and 2

Animal Farm

Chapter 1


What type of animal is each of these charactes:


  • Old Major
  • Bluebell; Jessie and Pincher
  • Boxer and Clover
  • Muriel
  • Benjamin
  • Mollie
  • Moses


What is Old Major’s message to the other animals?


Explain these ideas:

“Man serves the interests of no creature except himself”

“Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy” “Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend”

“All the habits of man are evil”


Which is the philosophy behind this statement: “All animals are equal”


What is the song “Beasts of England” used for? What does it represent?


Devices: Onomatopoeia:

Find the sounds made by the following animals:







Chapter 2


What happened to Old Major?


Who were his successors?


Compare Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer


These are two types of pigs:


A porker: a pig fattened to provide meat


A boar: an uncastrated male swine


Which type is Squealer and what about Napoleon and Snowball?


What did these three leaders do with Old Major’s teachings?


Who is Moses? What type of stories does he tell?


Devices: Biblical allusion:

(Old Testament) the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus; Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai


Explain the relationship between the character and the biblical prophet.


The Rebellion: The animals decide to attack Jones. They take over the farm.


What did the animals do after the humans had left the farm?


Why didn’t the animals touch anything inside the farmhouse?


Which were the principles of Animalism?


The animals started working around the farm, milking the cows and taking care of the harvest. When they returned they realised the milk was gone. What may have happened?



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